Four-time Mr. Universe Says...
"This is an excellent training program and its concept is sound. For the person or athlete who is serious about his or her training, this course will pay big dividends."
Bill Pearl
Former Mr. America and Mr. USA, and four-time Mr. Universe
I gained 10 lbs. in my first Week!
"This was muscle accompanied with fat loss. Changes in appearance included total ab separation, outer thigh striations, and tricep striations. It was truly remarkable."
Chris Munson
Middleton, WI
I've left everyone so far behind...
"Thanks. At first, people talked a lot of crap about my new training. But in the last 8 months I've left everyone so far behind that they just ask questions and watch."
Dana Mattos
Honaunau, HI
My most productive years in the NFL
"After seven years in the NFL, it was crucial I find a strength and conditioning program that would give me an edge on the younger players. After researching many of the best program, I can say with confidence that the Big Beyond Belief program is the only one that combines scientific data with old fashioned common sense. This program gave me results I thought unachievable, along with my most productive years in the NFL."
Michael Young
Denver Broncos
Gain a tremendous amount of growth...
"Over the years, I've seen a number of companies come and go, making wild claims about their programs. When tried, they produce more frustration than muscle. If you follow the Big Beyond Belief program to a 'T', you will gain a tremendous amount of growth."
Vince Gironda
"Iron Guru" Original trainer of Arnold, Lou "The Hulk" Ferrigno, Franco Columbo & countless other stars
Added 100 lbs. to my squat...
"In the last 9 months, added 100 lbs. to my squat, 70 to my bench... gets better with each trip to the gym! People who haven't seen me in a while cannot believe how huge I've gotten in such a short period of time."
Eric Litster
Brigham City, UT
Straight forward, (no B.S.)
"I have made greater gains in the last 2 months using Serious Growth than I made in all my previous years of training. Leo is straight forward, (no B.S.) and his style of writing motivates like no other."
Greg Privett
Portales, NM
Extremely useful in achieving maximum gains...
"...incorporates practical knowledge with scientific information. Body builders will find it extremely useful in achieving maximum gains from their training programs. I recommend it to the serious body builder."
Michael Yessis, PhD
Editor Soviet Sport Review. Professor of Kinesiology CSU, Fullerton, Contributing writer for Muscle and Fitness Magazine

The Black Sea Muscle Building System...Coming Soon

From: Leo Costa, Jr.:
Dear Friend:

Leo Costa shows why body-builders
world-wide rely on him for learning
how to pack on serious muscle, fast.

I should probably start off by telling you my credentials. I'm a nationally-known educator, a level one weight lifting coach with the United States Weightlifting Federation, I won the NABBA Mr. USA Heavyweight Division and even traveled to Europe to compete with 90 top ranking bodybuilders from over 10 countries for the prestigious title of Mr. World.

I'm also a highly sought after personal trainer who coaches football, baseball, and track professionals in addition to many famous athletes and celebrities. Probably my most famous (though not best built) client is Hollywood film star Kevin Costner, star of Water World, JFK, Dances With Wolves, and others.

Plus, Navy SEALs (and later, other active duty Special Forces soldiers) begged me to give them the quick-training skills they couldn't find in the "official" Navy training. They wanted to get really big, really fast... and have the kind of overwhelming kick-ass strength their tough job required.

Doing it all in the shortest time possible was critical — because spec op soldiers simply don't have much time to train.

That's why these combat-ready soldiers came to me, privately.

Men, women, famous people and sports teams throughout California have come to me for years... when they need to rapidly improve their strength, performance, endurance, or appearance.

I especially like proving to "hard gainers" — who insist they just "can't get big" — how EASY it is to pack on serious muscle and power... in half the time they used to train.

I always deliver results... because I discovered the secrets of piling on amazing pounds of muscle, fast.

Faster, I might add, than any method these pro athletes and Hollywood stars have used previously.

You see, I've been shaking up the industry with groundbreaking muscle building systems for over 25 years now. It all started with my famous "Bulgarian Burst" Training System, which had guys all over the world transforming their bodies, exceeding their goals, and simply put changing their lives.

I didn't stop there, publishing three more training systems, each of them taking guys to the next level.

Why should you care, well for the past five years I've been working on something new...

A radically different way to look at weight training and muscle building that is allowing my clients to transform their bodies even faster, because it focuses on training principle that have been working for me and my clients for over 30 years, and combines them with a few key scientific discoveries that nobody in the industry is even thinking about (no it's not a new miracle supplement).

I'm currently putting the finishing touches in this new training program that I'm calling the "Black Sea System" and you be able to access it from this web page as soon as it's complete.

Leo Costa, Jr.